"...It's these greeting cards, Sir, these cards, these movies, these pop songs. They're responsible for all the lies, the heartache, everything! We're responsible! I think we do a bad thing here. People should be able to say how they feel, how they really feel, without some strangers putting words in their mouths. The truth. A card is a nice thought but it shouldn't do the dirty work for you. You love someone, tell them yourself, in your own words. Maybe it's not love at all... Maybe there's no such thing as love."

TOM.- You should've told me... you know... at the wedding? all the dancing and the..
SUMMER.- Well, you didn't ask me.
TOM.- But he was in your life. Why did you danced with me?
SUMMER.- Because... I wanted to.
TOM.- I guess you always do what you want, don't you

"...I wouldn't say "the girl of my dreams," no. The girl of my dreams would have a better rack. Probably different hair, could like sports a little more. But... truth is... my girlfriend is better than the girl of my dreams.
You know why? Cause she's real."

...Sweet Disposition...

TOM.- And that's it?
SUMMER.- The ones that lasted... yeah
TOM.- What happened? Why didn't they work out?
SUMMER.- What always happens. Life.

TOM.- Summer... we don't have to label what we're doing. I just... I need Consistency. I need to know you won't wake up tomorrow and feel a different way.
SUMMER.- I can't promise you that. Nobody can. Anyone who does is a liar. I can only tell you how I feel right now... or I can show you.

TOM.- So what should I do?
RACHEL.- You should ask her.

SUMMER.- Is that true?
TOM.- What?
SUMMER.- You know what. Do you...like me?
TOM.- Yeah. I like you. Of course I do.
SUMMER.- As a friend?
TOM.- Right. As a friend.
SUMMER.- Just as a friend?

TOM.- She's not interested in me... I gave her plenty of chances...
PAUL.- You can ask her out?
TOM.- Don't be stupid.

"Oh boy...just cause some cute girl likes the same bizarro crap you do, that doesn't make her your 'soulmate' Tom."

TOM.- You never wanted to be anybody's girlfriend and now you are somebody's wife!
SUMMER.- It surprised me too
TOM.- I don't think I'll ever understand that... I mean, it doesn't make sense
SUMMER.- It just happened
TOM.- Right, but that's what I don't understand. "What" just happened.
SUMMER.- I just.. I just woke up one day and I knew
TOM.- Knew what!?
SUMMER.- What I was never sure of with you...

"If Tom had learned anything... it was that you can't ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event.
That's all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence.
It took a long time but Tom had finally learned. There are no miracles. There's no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be. He knew. He was sure of it now. Tom was... pretty sure."

"It just wasn't me that you were right about"

TOM.- It pains me we live in a world where nobody's heard of Spearmint.
SUMMER.- I've never heard of them.
TOM.- I put 'em on that mix I made you. They're track one...
SUMMER.- Oh... yeah.

"...look, I know you think that she was the one, but I don't. I think you're just remembering the good stuff. Next time you look back... I really think you should look again."
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