miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

What you want

RYAN.- You don't remember me, do you? 
JENNIFER.- Should I? 
RYAN.- Nah... we were on a plane together once. 
JENNIFER.- Haha! OMG... Ryan? Are you "counting Ryan"? Of course I remember you! Once a month I remember you. I must have told that "period on a plane" like a million times 
RYAN.- Not me. 
JENNIFER.- Haha... You wanna go grab a coffee or something? 
RYAN.- What about your boyfriend? "the king" 
JENNIFER.- I don't have a boyfriend. I hate commitments. I figure, why limit yourself when there's a world of posibilities out there? 
RYAN.- Maybe all those possibilities distract you from what you want... That's why I don't watch cable. 
RYAN.- There's too many choices!

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